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When a disabling medical condition prevents you from working, money for food and shelter may be in short supply. The Supplemental Security Income program through the Social Security Administration provides monthly benefit payments to help. You also may be eligible for payment of medical expenses through Medicaid.

This article provides a comprehensive explanation of how the SSI program determines the amount it pays each month in disability benefits. By the end, you’ll have a clear grasp of the factors that affect how much you get when you in monthly disability benefits through SSI.

How Much Does SSI Pay Each Month?

If you qualify for Social Security disability benefits through the SSI program, the maximum monthly federal benefit in 2024 is $943 for individuals and $1,415 a month for eligible married couples. SSI benefits are subject to annual cost-of-living adjustments depending on the rate of inflation.

The amount you get each month through SSI may be more than $943 for individuals and $1,415 for couples paid by the federal government. Depending on where you live, you could receive a state-funded supplemental payment in addition to the federal benefit.

Most states pay a supplemental payment to residents who qualify for SSD through the SSI program. Only the following states do not offer a supplemental payment:

  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Mississippi
  • North Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • West Virginia

Residents of the Northern Mariana Islands are eligible for monthly federal benefits through SSI, but they do not receive a supplemental payment.

Could You Receive Less Than The Full SSI Federal Cash Benefits?

SSI is a need-based program for individuals with limited income and assets valued at $2,000 or less. The asset limit for couples is $3,000. If you have income from sources other than SSI, it could reduce what you receive each month in disability benefits.

It’s important to understand that not all income counts to lower what you receive from SSI each month. Examples of the income that does not count for purposes of determining how much you receive from SSI each month include the following:

  • The first $65 of earnings and one-half of the remaining earnings.
  • The first $20 of other forms of income each month. You may apply the $20 to reduce your countable earnings if you only have earned income.
  • Value of what you receive through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as food stamps.
  • Income tax refunds.

The list of exclusions from countable is extensive, so you should review your income with a disability lawyer before applying for SSI. It’s important to note that state supplemental payments are countable as income.

To better understand how countable income and exclusions work, assume that you work and earn $317 in gross monthly earnings. You may deduct $20 from it, leaving a balance of $297.

Deducting $65 from the $297 leaves a balance of $232, but only one-half of the $232 or $116 counts as income. Instead of receiving $953 as a federal SSI benefit for the month, your payment is reduced by $116, so you receive $827.

Spouse Or Parent Income May Affect Monthly SSI Benefits

If you are married, the income of your spouse may affect how much you receive each month from SSI. Some of your spouse’s income counts when determining how much you’ll receive each month in disability benefits through SSI. It’s referred to as deemed income, and the same rule applies when a child applies for SSI benefits. A portion of a parent’s income they reside with counts when determining the child’s monthly benefit.

Deemed income rules do not apply when you do not reside with your spouse or with your child. It also does not apply when the eligible child becomes 18 years of age.

A Disability Lawyer Can Help

If you are disabled and want more information about disability benefits, consult a disability lawyer. A lawyer will review your current situation and prior work history to ensure you get all the Social Security disability benefits you’re eligible to receive.

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Disability Law Marketing has a dedicated disability lawyer content writer with expertise in disability law and legal topics, delivering high-quality, informative content that captivates and educates readers.

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