Time Management and its Importance
A monster to students of all classes and fields, time management has always been an enigma to students. Amidst the increasing day to day activities, students get burdened and are not able to achieve their desired tasks.
Whereas there are other students who are able to successfully complete their tasks as well as denote time for other activities.
The reason for this is very simple, the latter students have learnt the technique to effectively manage time, while the former ones are still struggling. Those students who are not able to do so have to always go for homework help since their own time constraints limits their knowledge.
Time management refers to effectively managing the 24 hours of your day, in order to achieve the desired results and effectively complete all the allotted tasks for the day.
Effective time management helps students focus well on their studies and also helps them concentrate into other activities of their life. Thus, they do not require any help in homework and are also are able to do whatever they feel like which makes them satisfies throughout.
In order to manage time, you must follow these tips:
- Set proper goals:
learn to prioritize what you want and figure out things accordingly. Proper and correct goals would help you decide which way to go and thus you may allot a proper time to them.
- Understand your Priority and do it wisely:
As mentioned above, it becomes important to understand what you want and then prioritize it.
- Set a time limit for tasks:
Whatever task you take at hand, should not be extended till eternity. Set a proper time for the same and stop when the time gets over. That is the best way to manage time.
- Take breaks:
This should be a must in everyone’s time table. Breaks refresh one’s mind and help them increase concentration and thus are a must.
- Work in an organized manner:
Plan out for yourself what you require of the day and do things accordingly. It becomes important to move in an already planned manner.
- Remove the Non-essentials:
Understand what does not have to be done that minute and avoid doing that activity.
- Plan things:
The best way to manage time is to work in a planned manner. Set your targets, a lot time for the same and work accordingly.
- Understand long-term goals:
All of us work towards the achievement of some goal at hand. For example: it might be to ace the graduation with flying colors and the like. These become our long term goals and we must work accordingly.
- Make monthly targets:
Once you have planned on your long term goals, start making small monthly targets towards their achievement. For example: I have to complete 5 chapters of Physics in this month.
- Then make smaller daily targets:
Post making the above two targets, go for smaller daily targets like, I will do 5 pages of Physics Chapter 1 today. Making smaller goals would help you achieve the task at the right time.
- Don’t work for hours at a go:
It is important for you to take breaks while you are studying because breaks help your mind get refreshed and helps you concentrate better. But remember that such breaks should not comprise of tiring activities rather refreshing ones.
- Do one task at a time:
If you plan on catching two rabbits at a time, you won’t be able to catch even one. Thus, concentrate on one task at a time.
- Maintain a distance from Distractions:
there are various types of distractions that deviate the students from the studies. Thus students must understand what distracts them and work towards avoiding these distractions.
- Early bird or Night Owl, Decide! :
As they say, “ Early bird catches the worm”, for some of us it becomes really difficult to follow the same.
What is important is that you remain concentrated be it whatever time of the day. For instance, you get up early and then are not able to concentrate since you feel sleepy then there is no point of getting up early.
- Learn not to procrastinate:
People tend to delay their tasks a lot and thus pile up things for the end. This destroys all the idea of time management. Therefore, one must do the tasks as per the allotted time.
Thus if you want to manage time effectively and do your work on your own without requiring and homework help, follow these tips to get the s=desired results. Also, several researchers have devised theories for time management. Among them two of the best ones are:
- The Pomodoro Technique:
In this technique, small duration targets of 25 minute each are set and short breaks are take after each 25-minute task. After four such tasks, a longer break is take. Small goals are set in these 25 minute slots.
- The ABC Method:
Here 3 lists are make. The tasks in A are the most important ones, the tasks in B are the important ones but can be give time to do since they are not due soon and in C are mention, the not so important tasks that have no deadlines. One acne decide and allot time accordingly.
The importance of time management are:
- Helps you do your task at the right time
- Tasks are do with full concentration
- One can concentrate on other activities of importance as well
- No pressure of deadlines
- One remains stress free
- Leaves time to do leisure activities
Thus students can figure out for themselves what suites them the best and plan things accordingly, there are various other techniques to manage time that may suit students as they like. But any one if them must be follow so that students can concentrate better and do not have to go for help in homework.
Thus students can figure out for themselves what suites them the best and plan things accordingly, there are various other techniques to manage time that may suit students as they like. But any one if them must be follow so that students can concentrate better and do not have to go for help in homework.